Monday, July 03, 2006

It was too hot!

Not the most active weekend in terms of exercise - but didn't feel that it was inactive overall.

No booze at all - good for the Big D - but it's not something I want to repeat regularly.

Went to the beach on Saturday - but no swimming - just a very virtuous bbq (discovered marinaded courgettes work very well as a meat subsitute for me!) and enjoying Husband's company - came to the conclusion that we're not good at womance.

Sunday - bits of gardening but it was too hot for our planned bike ride. Instead, we went to the pool - where I discovered I'd managed not to bring my costume (a new feeble excuse!). However, as I had a change of clothes in my bag, did 25 mins on the X trainer instead.

I have 2 sets of gym kit in my bag - and may manage to go Mon & Tue. I have a very strong motivation - my flat is horrendous in hot weather whereas the gym has aircon....

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