Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday ramblings

This is going to sound a bit mushy but I am so so chuffed that Baby Sister and A have been so supportive of the Big D and increased exercise campaigns I've been boring them with! It does make a huge difference - being able to rant with A about the randomly inaccurate WLR food ratings, cycling with A again, seeing how well Baby Sis has been sticking to her programme - and seeing just how strong her self motivation has been - all v.inspiring!

It's almost enough to make me think again about WW and the like - it must help meeting up with others in the same situation. But I still can't get my head around weigh ins - seems a bit too much like the village stocks & public humiliation!

1 comment:

Kitty said...

No! not WW! I think this way is much better. Besides is it the weight loss you want or the ability to get into that red sundress?