Monday, July 10, 2006

Big D vs Quitting Smoking

I've been thinking about whether controlling diet is easier/more difficult than giving up smoking - was talking to M about this last night. The chemical addiction is virtually absent from controlling diet (unless sugar rush/crash counts) so the first week or so should be easier for someone dieting (hate that word!) than for someone quitting smoking.

After that, when the ex smoker goes into losing the habit as opposed to the chemical addiciton - not so sure. M asked if I was thinking about chocolate all the time - I'd have to say no, but if I'm not doing something, I am thinking about food - it's my default thought. When I'm stressed or bored, I miss being able to eat lots - but having said that, I don't miss the down & guilt feelings afterwards. I don't feel hungry, but I do feel the absence of eating.

It's also made more tricky in that I seem to be exposed to unhealthy food & eating behaviour - it's really difficult not to eat a chocolate biscuit when it's offered to you - but I know it's difficult for M not to cadge a cig off smoking buddies when in the pub...


Kitty said...

Difficult? Try dieting AND living with a quitter! ;-)

BTW. You should of heard some of the truly pathetic excuses I have heard from M sometimes.

Rahsickles said...

you are doing really well, am looking forward to our dinner next week. i am sorry i haven't been on much to encourage you, but has been manic with physio etc, all over now, just resting before somerset!