Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Chain

Body Combat on Wed - acquitted myself better than usual on the push ups - but they are still hard work!

Then went to the gym on Thursday whilst husband swam. Did my usual CV - with the 20 mins on the treadmill at target average of 10kph - but had enough time to hit 3 weights machines.

Saturday - I had a lovely day at Nirvana Spa which I kicked off with my first visit to their gym - enjoyed listening to my newly purchased Mika album.

15 mile bike ride today with Husband and M - M's fave New Forest route which starts from (but doesn't actually go into) Markham Woods. I walked down 1 scary slope - but that's 2 less than last time! No falls, no punctures, but Husband managed to destroy his chain - already placed the order for new one from Wiggle. He did consider stainless steel to enhance the SNB's shininess but has gone for the 9 gear equiv of mine.
Overcast day, not too cold. Saw a herd of deer hurtling towards the track. They did an impressive switchback when they realised that there was a small child on a bike on the track (v.scary, obviously!).

I enjoyed the ride particularly as we went in the morning for a change - definitely quieter & it makes better use of the day as when we go in the afternoon, we tend to have a lazy morning. I missed A - especially at the end as she is the only one of us organised enough to bring a flask of coffee!

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