Thursday, February 22, 2007

31:50 to run 5K

I'm getting there!

Went to the gym on Tuesday with Husband - he couldn't swim as the pool was closed but suggested that I stay & exercise whilst he went shopping. Pushed up my 10kph treadmill stint to 22 mins successfully.

No Body Combat on Wed as I was driving back from Rickmansworth - really don't miss the joys of the M25 in rush hour.

Really good jog from the house tonight - 31:50 - which is excellent! I think the interval training is paying off and it was a good idea to do a timed jog the day after a rest day.


Kitty said...

well done! This means I'll never catch up. Especially as I am now full of phlegm

Fat Bird Does Exercise said...

Of course you will! Just take it easy until the phlegm leaves your lungs alone....