Monday, February 26, 2007

Have Skates!

Bought Skates on Saturday - G and I went on a trip to Basingstoke & both bought John Wilson Mystiques. I also now have a lovely pink skate bag & raspberry pink blade holders.

I had a run of truly rubbish hire skates from Gosport where I felt I was balancing twice - once onto the skate as there was no support for my ankles and then again on the ice. And as for sharpness....
We spent about 45 mins skating with our new purchases - having sharp skates that fit me really does make a difference - I feel I can trust them more and I'm just baalncing on the ice! We both need to play around with the lacing though as G's toes went numb & I got pain in the arches of my feet which eased off when I loosened the laces.

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